Showing posts with label Body Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Language. Show all posts

Interpreting and Reading Body Language

What can be one of the greatest barriers some people have is the inability to detect physical social cues in conversations. Extroverts are usually more prone to develop this skill naturally through years of high exposure to new social interactions, while other more introverted personalities would need more guidance in this area.  Sometimes we over-complicate things because we’re oblivious to what for others appears...

10 Quick And Interesting Facts About Body Language

As you may know body language is more complex than it seems at first glance. This is because reading body language has so many nuances and subtleties you have to account for such as context, culture, mood, level of comfort, baseline behavior etc. The list can go on. For example a country and its culture can have a wide range of facial expressions, body movements, and hand gestures that can signal particular emotions and feelings but go from one...

3 quick facts on body language and non verbal communication.

Body language can communicate a wealth of information about someone but usually people do not have the correct knowledge or have had the training to be able to spot the subtle sub-communications that take place that the person themselves aren't usually aware of. Having an awareness of peoples body language helps refine your quality of your personal interactions and make you that much more intuitive as you learn to fine tune...

Rapport and being a copy cat.

Imitation is one of the most common and recognizable behaviours in human interactions, just as a young ape copy's its behaviours such as climbing and swinging across trees just like other apes, people copy other people's actions whether it is posture, mannerisms, words or accents. This behavioural mimicry is called rapport. When people are in rapport they understand each other whether its each others, ideas, feelings or personal views, rapport...

Psychology of body language: General principles.

Body language is a major part of communication, it has been told that body language constitutes over 60% of what we are communicating. Learning to communicate well means that using and reading body language will come at a prerequisite, this includes learning what to do as well what not to do. Knowing the basics of reading peoples non verbal cues can help shed light on what generally peoples psychology such as what are thinking and...

Microexpressions and spotting a liar.

Pretty much everybody has the ability on some level or another to read facial expressions. this can be from cheerful to sad to angry amongst other emotions, from seeing an expressions on somebody's face you can identify that emotion due to past experiences. Now we all know people can fake their facial expressions and most of us have even done it ourselves whether its bumping into somebody you don't really like and greeting...