Showing posts with label Associations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Associations. Show all posts

The Stroop Effect.

The phenomenon The Stroop Effect first discovered by American psychologist John Ridley Stroop is where the brains reaction time slows down when processing conflicting information. This happens because of interference or the use of incompatible functions in the brain causing the decreased reaction time within the brain. This phenomenon is usually studied with a stroop test where a researcher first takes note of how long a participant takes to...

The mere exposure effect: You may have seen it before.

In psychology the phenomenon known as the mere exposure effect first identified by Robert Zanjoc in 1968 is when an unfamiliar object you either dislike or feel indifference towards becomes familiar and something you grow to feel favourably towards because of repeat exposure. So in essence, the more you see, hear or taste something the more you like it. Humans like comfort and familiarity, and when faced with a choice...

The confirmation bias and seeing only what you want to see.

Being in a world where there is conflicting information can make it a difficult job to make sense of things, and because of this we have a need to filter out information so we don't overload our heads with conflicting thoughts causing confusion. Our need to make sense of things on the other hand can also be a hindrance when we go too far the other end by fixating on one idea and only excepting information supporting this...

Fear psychology

What is fear? Fear is an emotional response towards something which can pose a potential threat alerting us to danger. The threat can be towards ones physical well being or the threat can be towards ones social standing, both can be experienced as very real and result with the urge to withdraw away from the object of endangerment. When someone experiences fear not only is there a negative emotional response, the response is also physical which includes...

Psychology of the human touch at an early age.

An important factor in growth and development. Similar to food, water and air, the human touch is another one of our basic needs as we have a constant desire to be connected with others. This is a innate need originates from within the womb and being the first sense we develop from 8 weeks inside the warm confines of the womb it can become apparent that physical touch is a vital part of our lives and we need it to survive, interact...

Colours: Their affects and associations.

Colours have the ability to affect moods, feelings and emotions. They also serve as a good tool to set a context to signal and communicate with, they have the ability to cause not only a psychological reaction but they can be physiological as well. It is no secret that interior decorators, artists, photo editors and anything of the like know the power of being particularly selective with what colours they choose for their work, choosing the...

3 quick facts about memory.

Ever wondered about the workings of your memory? Thought about how it operates? How we use it from day to day? Our memory is something we take for granted, though we use for pretty much everything we do, we often don't know how it actually works. Similar to being able to drive a car everywhere but not knowing how it runs in the first place. Unsurprisingly the memory is complex and involves several parts of the brain when in use. Some memories...